Oh Internets, I know you won’t believe till you hold one in your hands

Oh Internets, I know you won’t believe till you hold one in your hands. You’ll bang on about features, data plans, DRM, open source, and a multitude of issues. You’ll storm the message boards, wring your hands, and promise you won’t buy one till ‘Gen 2’. The din will grow and grow as time passes.
And then one day, in a few months, you will actually hold one and use it. And you will say, “I want one. Iwant one right now.”
So, my sweet beloved Internets, please take a deep breath, relax and stay away from your regular knee-jerk reactions. Have a little patience, a quality you are not known for, my sweet Internets.
And please, please stop trying to make predictions about what’s next, you have no clue and just look stupid when you do.

Cruft: A message to the Internets regarding the iPad

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m'han nomato bravuomo un giorno e da quel giorno io me lo tengo, quel nome. arsenio mi son nomato da solo. eccetera.

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